A facilitated and flexible group learning to reach a common purpose and shared goals.

Group Coaching

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Key Objective: A facilitated, focused, and confidential group process led by a skilled coach partner, group coaching can be defined as coaching that takes place with two or more people simultaneously. It uses techniques similar to individual coaching with the added benefit of synergistic group support.

Target Audience: People who are all aligned and headed to their executive or personal goal or outcome.

Participants: There are three different types of group sizes when it comes to group coaching and each one has a certain different vibe.

  • Intimate – An intimate group typically consists of 8-12 people.
  • Large – A large group of 12-25 people can offer a more lively and dynamic setting.
  • Community – A group of typically 25 to 200 people or more, which usually happens via web.

*VIA Survey – Prior to the Group Coaching, participants will have to complete VIA Character Strengths Survey and have handy their results for discussion and practice purposes throughout their coaching experience!

Key Benefits:

  • Participants learn from each other in a safe environment of mutual respect.
  • More affordable for the individual participant and/or client organization.
  • Discovery of new ideas from others who are in the same place.
  • Encourages interaction and sharing.
  • Creates accountability within the group with individual participants feeling more accountable and committed to their own success.
  • Creates a group atmosphere of success and celebration.

Duration: Group coaching programs vary in length. Most range from thirty to ninety days. Some stretch as long as six months. While group coaching can take place in a face to face setting such as your employer’s conference room or other appropriate venue, frequently it occurs via web.

Sessions typically last for one hour. The number of sessions in a program varies, depending on the needs of the group. A program may be structured (but not limited) to include one session per month over a period of six months or more.



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