
How can you select the right Executive Coach for your organization?

One of the critical questions an HR executive faces is how to choose the right executive coach for the company’s top management team. As HR is often regarded as the internal consultant for the personal development of executive teams, this decision largely rests with them. So, how can they ensure they make the right choice?

Here are some key questions HR executives can consider to find the ideal executive coach:

  1. Are you seeking a coach for a long-term or short-term engagement?
  2. What qualities in a coach do you believe will most significantly contribute to success?
  3. Which coaching style do you think will be most effective?
  4. Does the coach have substantial “real” experience at this level?
  5. Does the coach possess the necessary experience for the type of coaching required?
  6. How knowledgeable is the coach about your industry?
  7. Does the coach have the essential skills you consider important for success?
  8. Is the potential coach certified by the ICF (International Coaches Federation)?
  9. Are you looking for a coach to improve or adjust the performance of an individual or a team?
  10. Are you using coaching appropriately, or are you using it as an alternative to addressing the problem directly?
  11. Can the coach earn the respect of the coachee?
  12. Can the coach establish a good rapport with the coachee?
  13. Can the coach manage the relationship effectively?
  14. Is the coach fostering independence in the coachee(s) or creating dependence on them?
  15. Is there a benefit or risk in having the coach work with multiple individuals within the organization?

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Avra Lyraki (Ph.D. MCC, ICF)

Global Executive Communication Coach (MCC, ICF) | Government & C-Level Communication Mentor|ICF Assessor, ACTC & Mentor Coach| TEDx Speaker| HBR Advisory Council Member