
Laws for climbing the ladder of success

We wouldn’t drive a car without understanding traffic laws and road signs, nor would we attempt to fix a refrigerator without knowing how it works. So why do we strive for success without grasping its fundamental principles?

From the dawn of time, certain laws have governed our actions and their results. Success is no different. To achieve it, you need to apply five essential laws of success. If you embrace these five laws, success will follow, even if you don’t actively seek it. Are you ready to embark on your journey to success? Let’s dive in!

  1. THE LAW OF DESIRE: “If you want something badly enough, you will get it.”

Absolutely! When your desire is strong, it becomes an unstoppable force.

Consider your goals:

  • How intense is your desire for them?
  • Are you prepared to make sacrifices?
  • Under what circumstances would you consider giving up?

If you truly want something, quitting is not an option. You’ll either find a way or create one. Your desire fuels your motivation and drive. A small fire heats little; therefore, you need a blazing passion to achieve more. If you’re unsure whether your desire is strong enough, try this exercise: Write down all the reasons why you want to achieve your goal and list the benefits you anticipate. The more reasons you discover, the stronger your desire will grow. Make it a habit to read this list every morning to stay connected to your goals, keeping your motivation and inspiration alive.

  1. THE LAW OF BELIEF: “Anything you believe to be true will become your reality.”

If you don’t believe in your ability to achieve your goals, you won’t. To succeed, you must have an unwavering belief in what’s possible. Your subconscious mind doesn’t differentiate between dreams and reality. The images you consistently focus on will drive your actions toward creating that reality.

When you are 100% confident in your goals and visualize achieving them, your subconscious will naturally guide your behavior to make those dreams come true. As Dr. Murphy said, “Every thought is a cause, and every condition is an effect.” Can you envision yourself as wealthy? Can you see yourself achieving your goals? If doubts arise, practice visualization exercises each night before bed. Relax, close your eyes, and create a vivid mental picture of your success, infusing it with emotion.

Repeat this exercise until you truly believe in your ability to reach your goals.

  1. THE LAW OF POSITIVE ATTITUDE: “The way we think shapes how we perform.”

Your attitude is everything. It influences how you perceive your surroundings, handle challenges, and approach life. If your internal dialogue sounds like, “Life is so hard. I’ll never be rich. Everything is against me,” you have a problem.

While we can’t control the obstacles we encounter, we can control our attitudes. A positive attitude acts as a magnet for success. When you maintain optimism, success will naturally gravitate toward you. Even failures carry valuable lessons; they teach you what not to do, bringing you closer to success. Remember, success often follows a series of failures.

Here are a few tips to help you maintain a positive attitude:

  • Listen to Yourself: Pay attention to your thoughts and beliefs. When negativity creeps in, challenge it by finding something positive about the situation. There are always two sides to every scenario.
  • Get Enough Sleep: This may seem obvious, but many people neglect their sleep. Insufficient rest leaves you tired and unmotivated. A good night’s sleep boosts your energy and helps you tackle your tasks more effectively.
  • Put Things in Perspective: If you find yourself stressed, step back and assess the bigger picture. Are your problems truly as significant as they seem? Often, when you view life holistically, your challenges may appear less daunting.
  • Take a Break: Sometimes, the best solution is to step away. Whether it’s a road trip, a vacation, or a simple walk around the block, a change of scenery can do wonders for your mood.

Choose to adopt a positive attitude in every situation. It will enhance your life and attract the success you seek.

  1. THE LAW OF PERSISTENCE: “If you keep trying, you will succeed.”

Persistence is what sets successful people apart. How often have you given up after a single failure? Success rarely comes after just one attempt. Expect obstacles on your journey; they are a natural part of life. Learn from them and adapt.

Walt Disney faced 302 rejections before securing financing for his dream of creating the “Happiest Place on Earth.” Colonel Sanders was turned down 1,009 times while trying to sell his chicken recipe. Success lies in the willingness to make relentless, step-by-step efforts. Failing isn’t a setback; it’s an opportunity to learn and improve. Each failure brings you closer to discovering the right path. So get out there and keep trying. Whether you fail or succeed, both experiences will lead you toward your goals.

  1. THE LAW OF GOAL SETTING: “There is no achievement without goals.” (Robert J. McKain)

Goal setting is the most powerful tool you have for achieving success. Goals provide focus, motivation, and a clear roadmap for your journey. Without setting goals, your dreams will remain just that—dreams.

What distinguishes goals from dreams?

  • Goals have deadlines.
  • Goals are specific.
  • Goals are written down.
  • Goals include a clear, step-by-step plan.

Stop dreaming and start setting goals.

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Avra Lyraki (Ph.D. MCC, ICF)

Global Executive Communication Coach (MCC, ICF) | Government & C-Level Communication Mentor|ICF Assessor, ACTC & Mentor Coach| TEDx Speaker| HBR Advisory Council Member